
Here’s the Story: Scavenger Hunt Proposal

Since many of you have been asking, I thought I’d post the quick version of Clint’s proposal this past Sunday.

After three months of planning, Clint’s proposal was disguised as a scavenger hunt through downtown San Diego with 28 of our friends. The group split into 2 teams, guys vs. girls, and we all set off to photo-scavenge a LONG list of random items throughout the city. Naturally, I went “all out” and attempted to tackle as many items on the list as I could, even hiring a cab to accomplish some items on my own before our team’s time was up.

When the group reconvened at the Santa Fe Train Depot an hour later, our friend Blake tallied up the points and announced that the girls’ team had won the scavenger hunt. My best friend from college announced that I was the team’s MVP and handed me a briefcase as the trophy award. I opened up the briefcase, expecting to find a trophy, but instead found a folder with a page containing historical facts about the train depot. The group told me that I had to read the information out loud.

As I read the history of the train depot out loud, my mind was racing with how random and odd this all seemed. Clint had slipped sentences throughout the document as a personal letter to me and even wrote to the community of friends standing around us.

Click the link to watch the video of the proposal…

Clint thought through every single detail of this, and I love that he incorporated things that mean so much to me: the city, our community of friends, history, and adventures like a scavenger hunt. I was shocked and amazed by how many people had known about this FOR MONTHS without a single person spilling the secret. Thank you to everyone for making this day so special and for how loved you have made us both feel. I am overwhelmed by it!

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